Legal information


ComInTec S.r.l.
Via dell’Artigiano, 9
40050 Villanova di Castenaso – Bologna
Tel. +39 051 780216 – Fax +39 051 782256
P.I. 00523531200 – C.F. 00798780375


All rights on texts and images are reserved and owned by ComInTec srl.
It is therefore reproduction and disclosure without permission.


Data are processed in accordance with the law.

Chiusura estiva

9 - 26 Agosto 2024

I nostri uffici rimarrano chiusi
dal 9 agosto al 26 agosto 2024 compresi.

Summer closure

9 - 26 August 2024

Our offices will be closed
from 9 August to 26 August 2024 included.